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Sorting an array with bubble sort using Human Level Artificial Intelligence



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This video shows a robot writing a sorting program using bubble sort. There are no sound in the video because I wanted to show the viewers how the robot thinks while writing a software program.

There are many types of sorting algorithms in computer science. The most popular ones are: bubble sort, merge sort and quick sort. In this video I wanted to show that this robot can take an algorithm, understand how it works, and apply it to a software program.

In programming assignment 7, the instructions include using bubble sort to sort an array of numbers. The program has to read in 4 numbers from a user and these numbers are stored in an array. Next, the bubble sort algorithm is applied to the array, whereby all elements in the array are sorted in ascending order.

In order to use a algorithm in a software program, the robot has to first understand how it works. At the beginning of the video, the robot is using his notes to remind himself what bubble sort is, in terms of how it works and what are the parts. Once he understands the assignment and what bubble sort does, he can draft a program structure. In the program structure are steps the robot has to take in order to write this sorting program. The robot will systematically follow each step until the entire program is written.

The robot is actually doing multiple simultaneous tasks while this write software program. He is systematically following each step of the program structure written in his notes, checking for programming errors, and identifying problems or interruptions. He is also following standard procedures in writing software, such as testing the program after the codes are written.



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