

 robot janitor

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Robot janitor (cleaning a building using Human Level Artificial Intelligence)



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This video shows a robot cleaning the second floor of a building. There are 2 robot janitors responsible for cleaning a building and they must follow orders from a manager. The first robot was assigned to floor1 and the second robot was assigned to floor2.

The robot in the video was assigned to clean the second floor. He was given 3 hours to clean 9 classrooms, 1 hallway, and 1 bathroom. At the beginning, the robot devises a strategy to clean all the rooms in his mind. Next, he uses this mental plan and follow each step systematically. He determined that the classrooms are the first rooms to clean. There are a total of 9 classrooms and he decides to clean each one linearly (classroom1, classroom2, classroom3, and so on). The second task was to clean the toilets, which is the hardest and stressful task because of the smell. He decided that the last task is to sweep and mop the hallway. The reason why this should be last is because his footprints might make the hallway dirty. The robot wanted to make sure that when he leaves the second floor, everything is clean and free of dirt.

During his visits to the classrooms, he devises other mental plans to clean rooms based on each room's structure and furnitures. He fabricates an optimal plan to clean each room in the fastest time possible and making sure each room is clean. During his visit to the bathroom, he devises yet another mental plan. While the robot was cleaning the toilets, a problem arises: one of the toilets is clogged. The robot uses logic to find ways to unclog the toilet. He found 2 strategies he can use: 1. use a pump. 2. use a drill. He uses the first method and 5 minutes later the toilet was operational.

Originally, I wanted to do a first-person point of view video on a robot cleaning a building, but that idea was abandoned because it would take too long. I just wanted to present the most important thoughts of the robot while cleaning a building. Thus, i decided to use still pictures instead.



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