

 cooking lobster

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Cooking lobster (2/2) using Human Level Artificial Intelligence



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This video shows a robot cooking Chinese style lobster dish. There are no sound in the video because i wanted to show the viewers what the robot is thinking while cooking meals in a restaurant. The text flashing on the screen are the internal instructions (sound data) of the robot and are not verbal instructions to viewers.

There are several ways the robot learns how to cook meals: 1. reading books. 2. watching a demonstration. 3. watching teacher lectures. Despite the different ways of learning how to cook, the robot's conscious identifies vital information from these learning materials and stores information about cooking meals in an organized way in memory. For each meal, the ingredients used and also the standard procedures of preparing that meal are stored in memory in an organized way.

Practice is also a very important tool used to become a skilled chef. The more practice the robot goes through the better his cooking skills become.

In the video, the robot starts off by generating a mental list of things to do. The robot's conscious made 3 steps to make this dish: 1. prepare ingredients. 2. cutting the lobster. 3. cook lobster dish. These 3 steps are general steps to making this dish. While the robot is doing each step, his mind will generate a detailed list of things to do during runtime. For example, when the robot has to do step3: cook lobster dish, he will generate 3 other detailed steps, which are: a) prepare sauce b) cook lobster c) thicken sauce. And for each sub-step there are even more procedures to follow. The intelligent pathways in the robot's brain stores the linear steps to making a lobster dish. The intelligent pathways in the robot's brain also store data in a hierarchical manner and data goes from general to specific.

The robot's conscious activates the most important steps to make a lobster dish, but the intelligent pathways provide the details of what the robot must do (frame-by-frame). These pathways store motor functions as well as 5 sense data. The robot knows exactly how to move its hands and body to make the lobster dish because the intelligent pathways store the robot's body movements and also store the 5 sense data of what will happen in the future because of its actions.

This robot might forget ingredients or forget to do certain steps while making a dish. For example, at the beginning of the video, I show the robot generating a list of ingredients needed for this dish. This list is just a general list and it doesn't include a detailed account of every ingredient needed. During the actual cooking, the robot might remember forgotten ingredients. This same behavior can happen to linear steps of cooking as well. The robot might forget certain steps or do steps non-linearly. Basically, these are called interruptions. The robot has the ability to solve interruptions as they occur.

However, the more practice the robot goes through the less interruptions he will encounter and the more skillful he becomes at cooking.

The robot also has common sense while cooking the lobster dish. During the cutting of the lobster, the robot accidentally chopped off a piece that landed on the dirty floor. The robot has determined that the floor is dirty and if food touches the floor, the food becomes dirty too. Based on logic, the robot has concluded that the lobster piece, if ingested by a human being, might get sick. The robot attempts to solve this problem by coming up with a solution. He proposes to clean the lobster piece and to get rid of the dirt, which is what most chefs would do.

Lastly, this robot has the ability to cook any meal for any restaurant, regardless of complexity of meals. He also has the ability to learn cooking skills through different ways. He can read books, attend cooking lectures or view a cooking demonstration on TV. This robot chef can work in a Chinese restaurant, a Mexican restaurant, a Hawaiian restaurant or any restaurant. It's adaptive skills allow it to learn and cook any food.

In upcoming videos, i will show how the robot chef can cook and manage multiple meals at the same time. For example, the robot can cook a lobster dish, a cabbage dish, and corn soup at the same time.



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