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Playing NES Zelda (2/2) using Human Level Artificial Intelligence



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This video shows a robot playing a complex videogame, called Zelda for the NES. There are no sound in the video becuase i wanted to show the viewers what the robot is thinking while he is playing the game.

When playing a RPG (role playing game) like Zelda the player doesn't know the rules and objectives of the game. The player has to use logic and trial and error to discover the rules and objectives by himself. Also, no maps of the game environment are given. This means the player has to use his mind to fabricate maps of the game.

In the video, I show the player (the robot) trying to pass level 3. He has to use general knowledge about RPG and use that knowledge to play the game. The levels comprises complex mazes, and the player has to navigate in the maze using mental maps.

The robot is actually doing multiple tasks simultaneously during the game. He is trying to find the boss, kill/avoid enemies, navigating the maze heuristically, planning routes to take, observing events and enemies, generating strategies to use in the game, and so forth.



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