

 recursive tasks

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Accomplishing recursive tasks using Human-Level Artificial Intelligence



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This video shows a robot solving a problem by doing recursive tasks. There are no sound in this video because I wanted the viewers to focus on the robot's thoughts while solving a problem.

When the robot does a task, such as play a videogame, there will be recursive tasks the robot has to do. In this example, the robot is trying to reach the top of a building to rescue mario junior. In order to do that, from the first floor, the robot has to get to the second floor and then to the third floor to rescue mario jr. Each floor the robot navigates is considered a sub-task of the overall task. Within each sub-task are even more tasks.

To make things even more complex, the robot has no knowledge about the objective of the level or the rules of the level. He has to use common sense knowledge in order to discover the strategies to pass the level. In the video, I show that the robot is using some ideas that leads to dead ends. After numerous trial and error, the robot finds the linear steps to navigate from floor to floor.

If you analyze this video further, the robot is using a much more sophisticated way of solving problems than recursive tasks. Tasks are interconnected to each other, previous tasks done are revisited, some deep recursive tasks are forgotten, some tasks are bypass because of better methods found, and other tasks are ongoing, etc. The robot's conscious creates an optimal computer program to manage multiple simultaneous tasks. This computer program manipulates task in the task container using different data structures (not just recursive tasks). The more the robot plays a level the faster the level can be solved.


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