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Writing a simple software program using Human Level Artificial Intelligence


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This video shows a robot writing a simple computer program. He needs to accomplish assignment 3, which is to improve on the program from assignment2. There are no sound in the video because I wanted to show the viewers what the robot's thoughts are when writing a software program. These thoughts include: what is the robot thinking of, what kind of facts is he using, how did he generate that logic, etc.

In this assignment the robot has to improve on the program written from assignment2. He has to include a while-loop so the user can use the program repeatedly. When the user wants to quite, all he has to do is enter 0. Next, the program will terminate and display history data from the user.

In addition, the robot has to include 2 arrays: one for user input and the other for user output. When the user terminates the program, a for-loop will display the information from the 2 arrays.

This assignment demonstrates the robot having the skill to write a simple program that uses methods, conditional loops, arrays, and text display.


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