

 prince of persia

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Playing prince of persia using human level artificial intelligence



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This video depicts a human robot playing prince of persia. He is playing prince of persia for the first time, and has no idea what the game is about. This video is silent because I want viewers to pay attention to the robot's thinking while playing the game.

At the beginning, the robot reads the instruction manual on the game. The intelligent pathways in his brain formed a computer program to populate primarily 4 containers: the task container, rules container, planning container, and identity container. Knowledge about videogames and especially maze games pour into the robot's conscious. At this point, the tasks in the task container are known, such as the primary task is to beat the game and the first task is to finish level 1. In the rules container, common rules on maze games pour into the container -- things like: prince of persia is a maze game and the objective is to go from the current location to a destination location, or the game has time limits to pass each level, or in order to open a door you need a key.

Knowledge pours into the robot's conscious based on 2 things 1. instructions from the game manual. 2. common knowledge about the game's genre. The rules and objectives of this specific game should be known, as well as, common sense knowledge about this game in general. As the robot plays the game, data in the 4 containers change. For example, the task container might have 4 hierarchical tasks instead of 3 or the rules container might have rules on the 3rd baseman instead of the pitcher.

In the video, the robot plays the game 5 times. At first the robot dies a few times trying to pass level1, but by the time the robot has played the game 4 times, he knows "everything" to beat level1. Notice that in the final scene (the final gameplay) the robot plays the game flawlessly and beats level 1. He knows exactly what to do at specific times throughout the final gameplay.

This video shows that this human robot uses trial and error to play and beat unknown videogames. This is exactly how human beings play and beat unknown videogames.

The robot uses a universal pathway to play the game. What this means is that this robot can not only play this game, but any maze game.


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