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Analyzing predator using human level artificial intelligence



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In the video, a robot is watching the movie, predator, and answers questions based on what he saw.

In early 2000s, I went to my college professor and asked him one question: are there any robots built that can answer simple questions from kids books? My professor explained to me that it is very difficult to build a robot that can read and answer questions like a 5 year old. He also stated that such technology don't exist yet. He used popular Artificial Intelligence books at that time to back up his statements.

This fact is also backed up by Darpa because in 2012 Darpa's robot challenge was announced, which is a contest to build a robot that can think and act like a 5 year old. They want to build a robot that can climb ladders, navigate around obstacles and use basic tools to do things.

This conversation with my professor told me one thing: no one has designed a robot that can think and act like a 5 year old yet. My goal was to design a robot that can think and act like a human adult, capable of human level intelligence. In order to do that I had to analyze my own brain and find out how it thinks while doing human tasks. I would document every data that comes through my mind and put that in a notebook. I would do this for driving a car, cooking food, answering questions, playing videogames, or cleaning my house.

Answering questions from a movie is one (out of many) skills a human being has. Human beings can do any human task and all knowledge is learned from teachers in school.

When the robot watches a movie, thoughts activate and these thoughts include: comments, analytical data, observation, identify objects, comparing objects, logical facts, personal opinion, likes/dislikes, etc. The robot learned to analyze a video or picture from teachers in school. These analytical thoughts from the robot are stored within the movie. These robot thoughts help to search for data and it helps to organize data in the movie.

In the video, one of the questions asked was: how come the predator didn't find the man? The answering of this question is really complex because the robot needs to know a lot about common sense and object properties. The robot needs to know that when someone touches mud, the mud sticks to you. He needs to know that when mud covers the entire body, no body heat is emitted. Next, the robot needs to know that a reptile sees the world through heat signatures. If the man was covered in mud, he doesn't emit heat, the result is the predator (which is a reptile) can't see the man. Thus, the answer to the question is: the predator can't see the man because he was covered in mud.

In the video, the second question asked was: what is the color of the laser? In the movie there are no facts given about what the color of the laser is. The robot has to search for pictures of the predator using the laser and id what the color is. by the way, the knowledge to id the color of an object is based on lessons from teachers. Teachers teach the robot how to id colors from objects. The robot is simply using this knowledge to extract the color of the laser from a picture in memory.


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