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Playing zelda (pt 3) using human level artificial intelligence



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A robot with human level artificial intelligence is a robot that can do any human task. It can drive a car, fly a plane, cook in a restaurant, play videogames, play boardgames, etc. Building a robot that can do any human task is the holy grail of Artificial Intelligence.

This video is silent because I wanted the viewers to see the thoughts of the robot while playing the game. The robot's conscious is the voice in his head that gives instructions or information. This conscious allows the robot to play the game in an intelligent manner.

The reason RPG games, like Zelda is so difficult is because there are no instructions given to the player. In fact, the rules of the game and the objectives of the game are not disclosed. The robot has to discover the rules and objectives of the game through trial and error.

Playing the entire game of Zelda takes a very long time. I have broken up my zelda video into segments and each segment shows 1 or 2 objectives of the robot during the game. In this video, the character's main objective is to find and navigate to level 2. During the gameplay the character is trying to find where level 2 is located. The instruction manual doesn't say where level 2-8 are. The robot uses logic to come up with a plan to find level 2. His plan is to search west and east from the starting point. Since level 2 follows level 1, then level 2 must be close by.

During his exploration, the character accidentally finds level 3. The robot knows that it isn't wise to play level 3 yet because the levels should be completed linearly. After exploring further he eventually finds level 2.

This example is very similar to a tourist that is lost in a city and his goal is to find the nearest Mcdonald. No smartphone or maps are used here, the tourist has to explore using logic to find the nearest Mcdonald. After exploring for several hours, the tourist should find the closest Mcdonald. The key here is that the tourist is using logic and common sense to narrow the searches and to find the nearest Mcdonald in the fastest time possible.


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